Unsurpassed Quality • Superior Performance • Absolute Reliability

Recycling Your Empties with Core Recovery
- On the home page, top right, there is a list. Select “Buy-Back Pricing” to review the buy-back prices associated with the virgin OEM empties you have.
- Proceed to the “Buy-Back Form” tab and fill out the information, include all empties with the price located on the buy-back pricing. www.corerecovery.com/coreform.php
- Once completed, the form can be sent in electronically at the bottom of the page. Or you can print out the form, fill it in and fax it
to (818) 772-1888.
- A Purchase Order # will be issued for the empties once the form is received, either electronically or by fax. The Purchase Order # needs to be included on all boxes, and any packing list, that are sent with the cartridges.
Any questions, please contact Core Recovery.
By email: info@corerecovery.com
By phone: (866) 267-3732 Toll Free
(818) 718-6083 Local